Admit Card for Sainik Schools entrance exam AISSEE 2024 is issued provisionally to the candidates, subject to the fulfilment of the eligibility conditions. Admit card will be hosted on the NTA website https://aissee.nta.nic.in 15 days prior to the date of the exam.
AISSEE 2024 exam date is 28 January 2024.
The candidate has to download the Admit Card from the NTA website using their application number and date of birth and appear for the Examination at the given Centre on Date and Timing as indicated in his/her Admit Card. Read about New Sainik Schools here. Read about Old Sainik Schools here.
Admit card for Sainik Schools entrance exam is not transferable to any other person. Impersonation is a legally punishable offence. No student will be allowed to appear at the examination centre, on Date and Timing other than that allotted to him/her in his/her Admit card.
In case, candidate is unable to download Admit Card from the NTA website, the candidate should approach the NTA Help Line between 10:00 am and 05:00 pm. In case of any discrepancy in the details filled by the candidate or his/her photograph and signatures shown in the Admit Card and Confirmation Page, the candidate may immediately approach the Help Line between 10.00am and 5.00pm (Monday to Saturday). In such cases, candidates would appear in the examination with the already downloaded Admit Card.
- Candidate must be in possession of the Admit Card to appear in the examination
- Candidate may please note that Admit Card will not be sent by post.
- In no case, the duplicate Admit Card for AISSEE 2024 would be issued at the Examination Centres.
- Candidate must not mutilate/disfigure the Admit Card or change any entry made therein.
- Candidates are advised to preserve their Admit Card in good condition for future reference.
- No Admit Card shall be issued to the candidates whose Applications are found to be incomplete for any reason (including indistinct/ doubtful photographs/without uploaded signatures) or who do not fulfill the eligibility criteria for the examination.
Qualifying Criteria for AISSEE
In order to be eligible for admission to Sainik Schools for a particular academic year in case of General, OBC (NCL) and Defence/ex-servicemen category, it shall be necessary for a candidate to obtain a minimum of 25% marks in each section/subject and an aggregate of 40% marks in the AISSEE 2024. However, in respect of candidates belonging to scheduled castes (SC), scheduled tribes (ST) the minimum marks criteria shall not apply.
In order to be eligible for admission to approved New Sainik School for a particular academic year, it shall be necessary for a candidate to obtain a minimum of 25% marks in each section/subject and an aggregate of 40% marks in the AISSEE 2024, irrespective of category.
Get AISSEE 2024 schedule here. Read about Sainik School Eligibility here. We have arranged for you authentic Sainik School AISSEE previous year question papers so as to get you exam ready. Visit this page to download Sainik School exam papers. Read about New Sainik Schools here. Read about Old Sainik Schools here.